Add Tick Repellant Beads


Select this option to add EM™ tick repellant beads to your dog’s collar. We will integrate them into the rest of the design.

Reduce or avoid the chemicals. These tick collars use natural repellant to keep ticks and fleas away from your pets. Effective Microorganisms (EM™) are used along with our silicon beads, and are completely safe for pets and their humans.

Available for a limited time.


How do they work?

EM bead collars work by emitting low-frequency electromagnetic pulses that are designed to interfere with the nervous systems of pests like fleas and ticks. These pulses are typically harmless to pets and humans but are effective at repelling these unwanted insects.

Are they Safe? Do they work?

An EM™ Tick Collar should not have any side effects commonly associated with chemical tick treatments. This should make this a safer holistic tick repellant for dogs with allergies and sensitivities. EM Bead Collars are not 100% guaranteed to prevent ticks - Avoid walking in areas where ticks are likely to be present (eg. woods and long grass) and always check your dog thoroughly and remove ticks as soon as they are detected.

How do I care for an EM Bead Collar?

Clean regularly using only warm water (do not use detergent). If possible, leave it in the sun to dry. Replace your dog’s EM Bead Collar every 10-12 months

Be a Smart Human.

Rivet Dawg Collars should always be worn under supervision, just like any other style of collar. For safety, always take your dog’s collar off while crated, playing or any other time they are unsupervised.

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